Announanced!!! MLOps Certified Professional (MLOCP)

 MLOps is a core function of Machine Learning engineering, focused on streamlining the process of taking machine learning models to production, and then maintaining and monitoring them. MLOps is a collaborative function, often comprising data scientists, devops engineers, and IT.

Major Phases — what it takes to master MLOps

  • Framing ML problems from business objectives. …
  • Architect ML and data solutions for the problem. …
  • Data preparation and processing — part of data engineering. …
  • Model training and experimentation — data science. …
  • Building and automating ML pipelines.

Here are some of the technical skills required to become an MLOps engineer:

  • Ability to design and implement cloud solutions (AWS, Azure, or GCP)
  • Experience with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Ability to build MLOps pipelines.
  • Good understanding of Linux.
  • Knowledge of frameworks such as Keras, PyTorch, Tensorflow.

MLOps Certified Professional (MLOCP) certification program is designed for meeting a challenges of MLOps in the project. Certified professional would be able to implement MLOps in the project easily.
